Now Available On-Line
In The Cobbler's Shoes
Produced and Directed by David Marks
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In the Cobbler’s Shoes is an observational film about Misak Pirinjian, son of a shoemaker who took on his father’s trade over twenty-five years ago. Misak has a unique perspective. The legendary University of San Francisco soccer star with a law degree humbly repairs footwear, including shoes that no one else would touch for their sad state, often for prices so embarrassingly low that patrons insist on paying more than he asks.
He works within an affluent community, yet touches the lives of customers from all realms. In the Cobbler’s Shoes reveals a fascinating universe surviving steps away from the stress of the city. We learn how one man approaches his simple service to his community, discovering what called him from a corporate world to an ancient trade.
The documentary was filmed in high definition video, for both small and large screens. Most of the production is within the shoe repair shop in Mill Valley, with additional exteriors of the beautiful village and surrounding landscapes. The key interview provides commentary from Misak, however the film presents activities and conversations in his shop.
Questions? write to: info@cobbler-film.org